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[日韓] AKB48 - Manatsu no Sounds good! [H.264 1440x1080 M-ON! HD] heatlevel  ...23456 tonywang 2014-2-9 15:07 5118624 chenshao8818 2017-10-10 14:31
[LIVE] SNH48 - 愛的幸運曲奇(圣... attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..9 tonywang 2014-1-23 11:11 8824396 akzlp 2017-10-10 11:57
[日韓] G.NA - Top Girl(Melon) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..19 tonywang 2014-2-3 09:22 18548695 1234ww 2017-10-10 11:46
[日韓] T-ara - Roly Poly[特效中韓字幕][GomTV Ver 2][1080P/AVI/306.72MB] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..21 小漁 2014-5-22 09:38 20456722 freewindwei 2017-10-10 00:35
[華語] 周華?。瓭娔?2.28G/1080P/MOV) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..8 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-7-9 11:14 7932754 skipspace 2017-10-9 21:42
[華語] 烏蘭吉雅-請到草原來做客(443M/1080P/MPG) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..19 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-11-18 14:05 18748234 七步一秒 2017-10-9 18:31
[華語] 張靚穎 - 未曾相問 [1080P/MP4/42M] attach_img 遛網(wǎng)之魚 2017-2-22 23:14 73778 淡淡dè輕狂 2017-10-9 16:40
[日韓] A Pink - My My(309M/1080/avi) attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 yuchan 2014-3-11 21:17 4915179 淡淡dè輕狂 2017-10-9 16:01
[華語] 鄧紫棋 - 偶爾(197M/1080P/mkv) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..9 tonywang 2014-3-30 12:52 8323211 淡淡dè輕狂 2017-10-9 15:23
[日韓] 少女時代 - Visual Dreams attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..15 yuchan 2014-2-25 16:56 14541449 gz12 2017-10-9 14:43
[日韓] Bikiny - Take On Me[TS/1080P/432M] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..7 2606 2014-11-20 19:15 6521279 leon1987365 2017-10-9 11:07
[日韓] [MV] 新人女團TAHITI性感單曲Hasta Luego [1080PMP4/99MB] attach_img heatlevel  ...23 立二拆四 2015-1-19 20:54 2612773 leon1987365 2017-10-9 11:01
[日韓] Tahiti - ????(哥哥是我的)(108M/1080P/MP4) attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 tonywang 2014-6-19 13:40 4515792 leon1987365 2017-10-9 11:00
[日韓] G.NA - Black n White attach_img heatlevel  ...23 yuchan 2014-2-22 14:44 229612 leon1987365 2017-10-9 10:57
[日韓] Let's Dance- Dalshabet Someone like U[1080P/MP4/224MB] attach_img heatlevel  ...234 2606 2016-1-13 00:10 3411112 leon1987365 2017-10-9 10:44
[華語] 睡衣主播-暖床歌[1080P/MP4/72M] attach_img 遛網(wǎng)之魚 2017-2-5 19:51 93135 框中王 2017-10-9 10:15
[日韓] [MV] 性感騷妹 Brown Eyed Girls新單《Kill Bill》舞蹈版 attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..9 2606 2014-12-4 19:58 8429466 hanyuxuan 2017-10-9 10:11
[LIVE] 141130 樂天啦啦隊女神隊長-樸琪靚(123M/1080P/MP4) attach_img heatlevel  ...234 tonywang 2014-12-12 22:26 3616894 框中王 2017-10-9 10:02
[歐美] [2014] 保加利亞性感歌后:TSVETELINA YANEVA - ALERGICHNA[1080P/MP4][1.. attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..10 2606 2014-10-8 10:38 9734180 hanyuxuan 2017-10-9 08:50
[LIVE] 13.11.02 BESTie-Love Options(416M/1080P/TP) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-2-7 17:39 5723717 danfor 2017-10-9 00:00
[LIVE] 13.10.23 BESTie-Love Options(129/1080P/MP4) attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-2-7 17:25 4819683 danfor 2017-10-8 23:55
[日韓] [性感MV]CSP - ???? (Busan Girls ) (Feat. KAYLA) [1080P/MP4/62MB] attach_img  ...2 2606 2016-12-28 10:15 158949 dahaidexionghua 2017-10-8 17:03
[LIVE] 140201 MBC音樂中心 Rainbow Blaxx - Cha Cha attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..15 tonywang 2014-2-10 15:10 14745008 sss2lll 2017-10-8 15:52
[LIVE] 我是歌手.鄧紫棋 - 泡沫(259M/1080p/TS) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..65 tonywang 2014-3-14 16:49 641160574 mwzxc 2017-10-8 15:52
[LIVE] 140413.SBS.Inkigayo.Apink - Mr.Chu(500M/1080i/TP) attach_img heatlevel  ...23 tonywang 2014-4-17 22:20 249804 dahaidexionghua 2017-10-8 11:50
[日韓] Apink - Mr.Chu (Master)(837M/1080p/mov) attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 tonywang 2014-6-28 23:55 10334054 dahaidexionghua 2017-10-8 11:49
[日韓] Apink - Crystal(76M/1080P/MP4) attach_img heatlevel  ...23 tonywang 2014-6-21 10:27 2111191 adadsSA 2017-10-8 10:34
[LIVE] 140710.Mnet M!Countdown.Apink - Mr.Chu(473M/1080P/TS) attach_img heatlevel  ...234 tonywang 2014-7-30 22:56 3915590 dahaidexionghua 2017-10-8 09:54
[LIVE] 140405.MBC.Music Core.Apink - MR.Chu(524M/1080I/TP) attach_img heatlevel  ...23 tonywang 2014-4-9 13:24 2210388 dahaidexionghua 2017-10-8 09:54
[LIVE] 140518.SBS.人氣歌謠.Apink - Mr Chu(506M/1080p/TP) attach_img heatlevel  ...23 tonywang 2014-5-27 12:26 239471 dahaidexionghua 2017-10-8 09:53
[LIVE] 140522.Mnet M!CountDown.Apink - Mr.Chu(302M/1080i/TS) attach_img heatlevel  ...23 tonywang 2014-5-31 18:22 219675 dahaidexionghua 2017-10-8 09:53
[LIVE] 140521.MBC Show Champion.Apink - Mr.Chu(511M/1080i/TS) attach_img  ...2 tonywang 2014-5-31 18:21 136291 dahaidexionghua 2017-10-8 09:52
[LIVE] 140514.MBC.Show Champion.Apink - Mr.Chu(497M/1080i/ts) attach_img  ...2 tonywang 2014-5-20 14:53 116149 dahaidexionghua 2017-10-8 09:51
[日韓] Apink第五張主打曲《LUV》MV公開!720P/MP4/71MB attach_img  ...2 2606 2015-3-16 10:54 147219 dahaidexionghua 2017-10-8 09:50
[日韓] APink首張專輯主打曲Wishlist 1080P/MP4/82MB attach_img 立二拆四 2015-4-11 16:08 74352 dahaidexionghua 2017-10-8 09:50
[日韓] (???360??): Apink(????) _ Only one(?? ?? ? ?... attach_img 遛網(wǎng)之魚 2017-2-19 17:26 85017 dahaidexionghua 2017-10-8 09:49
[日韓] 韓國萌妹紙Orange Caramel - A~ing?[MVHD 1080p/MP4/99MB] attach_img  ...2 2606 2015-3-17 09:47 116461 dahaidexionghua 2017-10-8 09:47
[日韓] T-ara - Round & Round (Ver.2) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..16 tonywang 2014-1-27 11:22 15347368 zb2133 2017-10-7 23:46
[日韓] Apink主打曲《Mr.Chu》MV今日公開!【720P/MP4/33MB】 attach_img 2606 2015-3-8 11:00 33654 guoyihong001 2017-10-6 10:34
[日韓] HuhGak&Jeong EunJi(Apink) - Break Up To Make Up(89M/1080P/MP4) attach_img tonywang 2014-7-20 11:05 53574 guoyihong001 2017-10-6 10:33
[LIVE] 140505.MBC 2014 New Life to Child.Apink - 愛情童話(517M/1080i/ts) attach_img  ...2 tonywang 2014-5-20 14:53 167493 guoyihong001 2017-10-6 10:20
[日韓] Huh Gak ft. Jung Eun Ji (Apink) - Short Hair (Master)(797M/1080P/mp4) attach_img  ...2 tonywang 2014-5-7 13:21 146142 guoyihong001 2017-10-6 10:17
[LIVE] 140404.KBS.音樂銀行.Apink - Sunday Monday+Mr. Chu(717M/1080I/TS) attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 tonywang 2014-4-8 13:10 4117212 guoyihong001 2017-10-6 10:17
[LIVE] 140411.KBS.音樂銀行.Apink - Mr.Chu(492M/1080I/TS) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456 tonywang 2014-4-15 22:33 5516756 guoyihong001 2017-10-6 10:06
[LIVE] 140510 MBC MusicCore APink - Fairy Tale Love(545M/1080P/tp) attach_img  ...2 tonywang 2014-5-17 20:02 159777 guoyihong001 2017-10-6 09:58
[LIVE] 140515 Mnet Japan Mcountdown APink - Mr.Chu+紅霞(799M/1080i/ts) attach_img  ...2 tonywang 2014-5-22 13:19 158321 guoyihong001 2017-10-6 09:58
[日韓] 梁耀燮(BEAST), 鄭恩地(Apink) LOVE DAY[1080p] attach_img 2606 2016-2-3 00:07 54784 guoyihong001 2017-10-6 09:53
[LIVE] 140406.SBS.Inkigayo.APink - Mr. Chu(509M/1080p/TP) attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 tonywang 2014-4-11 18:18 4718987 guoyihong001 2017-10-6 09:50
[LIVE] 140710.Mnet M!Countdown.Apink - NoNoNo(509M/1080P/TS) attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 tonywang 2014-7-30 22:56 10233254 guoyihong001 2017-10-6 09:48
[LIVE] 140627.KBS 音樂銀行.Apink - Mr.Chu(470M/1080i/ts) attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 tonywang 2014-7-7 21:09 4816451 guoyihong001 2017-10-6 09:44
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