Start watchdog to monitor restart...
Restarting system with command ''.
Start uboot
Relocation Offset is: 015d7000
[AT][MB][start ub][533]
U-Boot 2011.06-00120-g7a77291-dirty (Jan 02 2018 - 22:29:27)
[MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 54ee9418 with private size 80 bytes at 54ee9460
create instance at 54ee94b8 with private size 52 bytes at 54ee9500
uboot held at [54cddf60~56000000],size=013220a0
CPU : Clippers
DRAM: 864 MiB
Now running in RAM - U-Boot at: 55100000
eMMC: HS200 200MHz
eMMC 7.28 GB [E8FFF8h]
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: zte_shutdow =false
No ethernet found.
Set MAC default
MAC: 0x0: 0x30: 0x1b: 0xba:0x2: 0xdb
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 54ef99c0 with private size 44 bytes at 54ef9a08
CPUIoctl - MDrv_CMD_CPU_QueryClock
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[38]: MODULE_CPU
[AT][MBoot][Driver Init][766]
### main_loop entered: s is true
### main_loop entered: bootdelay=1
Starting logo
============= set bootargs ===============
[setup_com_controlenv] COMControlFlag=> value[1]=, val=0
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 1@
step1 error...
abort=0 0
mxy: MAEKET_IS_SDLT=0,MarketCode=32, OperatorsCode=3
do_bootcheck called
MMC_CAPACITY_512 =15269880
current emmc size is =0xe8fff8 (should by 512)
MMCusrdata_size =11773944
current userdata size =0xb3a7f8 (should by 512)
this is 8G emmc
get_boot1_ver cmd_boot1=mmc read.boot 1 0x25000000 0x0 0x200000
set hdmi hdcp mode 0!
Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
iTVSTandard2Resolution = 2
value[29] = 7B410416210134400000749781C08E20
[setup_bootenv] COMControlFlag=> value[30]=, val=0
ethaddr =74:97:81:C0:8E:20
jy ....
search ....
waldo msIR_GetIRKeyCode line:483 breturn false
fore uup IRKey [0xff]
search ....
waldo msIR_GetIRKeyCode line:483 breturn false
fore uup IRKey [0xff]
search ....
waldo msIR_GetIRKeyCode line:483 breturn false
fore uup IRKey [0xff]
search ....
waldo msIR_GetIRKeyCode line:483 breturn false
fore uup IRKey [0xff]
search ....
waldo msIR_GetIRKeyCode line:483 breturn false
fore uup IRKey [0xff]
search ....
waldo msIR_GetIRKeyCode line:483 breturn false
fore uup IRKey [0xff]
search ....
waldo msIR_GetIRKeyCode line:483 breturn false
fore uup IRKey [0xff]
search ....
waldo msIR_GetIRKeyCode line:483 breturn false
fore uup IRKey [0xff]
search ....
waldo msIR_GetIRKeyCode line:483 breturn false
fore uup IRKey [0xff]
search ....
waldo msIR_GetIRKeyCode line:483 breturn false
fore uup IRKey [0xff]
[ztebsp] BootMode=0
[do_bootcheck,1204][ZTEWatchdog]PATCH FOR zte BEGIN
[do_bootcheck,1208][ZTEWatchdog] Watchdog_enable TRUE
[do_bootcheck,1214][ZTEWatchdog] Watchdog start, MAXTIME 120
create instance at 54ef9bb0 with private size 256 bytes at 54ef9bf8
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = 1f200000
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = 1f000000
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][323]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=1280, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=720
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][325]u16HTotal=1980,u16VTotal=750,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=1980,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=750, u16DefaultVFreq=500
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][369]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=1280, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=720
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][371]u16HTotal=1980,u16VTotal=750,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=1980,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=750, u16DefaultVFreq=500
PNL:CalculateLPLLSETbyDClk u32KHz = 742500000, u64DefaultLdHz = 742500000
PNL:CalculateLPLLSETbyDClk u32LpllSet = 3531df
[MApi_XC_MLG_GetStatus, 1603]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
create instance at 54ef9d00 with private size 1720 bytes at 54ef9d48
no need to patchcreate instance at 54efa948 with private size 80 bytes at 54efa990
Rx Support HDMI mode!
setHDMITxAnalogTuning: Error: MApi_HDMITx_GetRxDCInfoFromEDID EDID is not ready, at 262
shift -8 pixels in PAL mode
Create Dolby single part name task failed!![Hal_VE_Set_PreHSD][1826] ERROR!!! HVSD H input = 0, HVSD H output = 720
[Hal_VE_Set_PreVSD][2002] ERROR!!! HVSD V input = 0, HVSD V output = 576
[Hal_VE_EnableDI][2110] bEnable = 0, bIsDNR2VE = 0
lyndon Hal_VE_Set_PreVSD 1mmc change mount : tvcustomer
Size of file "/720.jpg" from mmc device 0 partition tvcustomer: 473547 bytes
Loading file "/720.jpg" at offset 0x0 from mmc device 0 partition tvcustomer
473547 bytes read
create instance at 54efa9e8 with private size 304 bytes at 54efaa30
[AT][MB][JPD Decode][2559]
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[35]: MODULE_NJPEG_EX
create instance at 54efa9e8 with private size 132280 bytes at 54efaa30
[GOP INFO] gop opencreate instance at 54f1aef0 with private size 6908 bytes at 54f1af38
[AT][MB][Show Logo][2607]
mxy--> ir_recovery is 0
mxy: ir_recovery is 0...
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 25000800 ...
Image Name: MStar-linux
Image Type: ARM Linux Multi-File Image (uncompressed)
Data Size: 5317739 Bytes = 5.1 MiB
Load Address: 20208000
Entry Point: 20208000
Image 0: 4627400 Bytes = 4.4 MiB
Image 1: 690327 Bytes = 674.1 KiB
## Loading init Ramdisk from multi component Legacy Image at 25000800 ...
Loading Multi-File Image ... OK
[AT][MB][start kr][2857]
Starting kernel ...
[PROTECT ERROR], not expected dram size: 0x0
# [PROTECT WARNING], miu kernel protect is not enabled on second dram #
Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
tommy: thread_info_cache_init
mtdoops: mtd device (mtddev=name/number) must be supplied
[drivers/mstar2/drv/emac/mdrv_emac.c MDev_EMAC_HW_init 2196] ready init mutex
[drivers/mstar2/drv/emac/mdrv_emac.c MDev_EMAC_HW_init 2197] after init mutex
RBQP_BASE = 51604000
init: /init.clippers.rc: 455: ignored duplicate definition of service 'mdnsd'
init: /zte_init.rc: 32: ignored duplicate definition of service 'IptvQosServ'
init: /zte_init.rc: 38: ignored duplicate definition of service 'xiriservice'
init: /zte_init.rc: 48: ignored duplicate definition of service 'softdetector'
init: ## ProductID: strlen (32)!
healthd: No charger supplies found
init: cannot find '/system/bin/xiriservice_ChinaMobile_SiChuan', disabling 'bluetoothd'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/bleservice', disabling 'bleservice'
init: cannot find '/data/data/com.android.smart.terminal.dplatform/bin/IptvQosServ', disabling 'IptvQosServ'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/stratky.sh', disabling 'stratky'